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iPixel Erbium: YAG Laser Lift

The iPixel Erbium: YAG laser of Harmony XL PRO, Alma Lasers, is an FDA-approved fractional ablative laser.

High absorption by water makes the 2940 nm Erbium: YAG laser the ideal technology for skin resurfacing treatments.


It is a proven treatment to reduce wrinkles and visibly tighten and rejuvenate the skin. Reducing scars, stretch marks, and pore size can only be achieved through resurfacing.

The iPixel Erbium YAG laser is a non-surgical skin resurfacing treatment that can improve the appearance of skin by reducing signs of aging and improving texture, tone, and pore size. The laser uses a roller-type applicator with a micro-optic lens to treat microscopic areas of the skin, creating tiny perforations that penetrate 20–50 microns deep. This stimulates the skin's healing response, which increases skin cell turnover, collagen production, and elastin production. The result is smoother skin, less scarring, and faster healing. 

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